Affiliate Payload

Confidential Report: for the first time ever...

“Shadow Affiliate Triad Reveals $247,000 a Month Portfolio of Cash Siphoning Tactics
You were Never Meant to See...”

Are You Ready for a Quick Raid on the Internet's Biggest
Hidden Cash Mountain?

I'm flabbergasted.  I can't believe it's happened, but somehow, someway, they have managed to keep it all hidden...

They've managed to keep the public vainly fighting for table scraps while they fill their coffers to the point of bursting...

Well now they have profited enough and now it's your turn to grab a piece of the pie...

But who are “they” and what exactly am I talking about?

“They" are the internet fat cats. Super affiliates and wonder gurus...  Guys that build fences and walls to you keep you out...

Please excuse the conspiracy undertones, but I have seen it all with my own eyes and used the system to make up to a quarter million dollars in a month - And before you finish reading this, I will prove to you beyond a doubt that it's all 100% true...

If you Don't want to start Siphoning the Internet's
Biggest Money Mountain for your Own Financial Gain,
then Read no Further...

The information I am about to reveal is highly sensitive AND confidential.

To this day, only a very select and Elite group of people has ever been privy to this, and you can be sure they want it to stay that way.  The last thing they want is for you and I to come in and gatecrash the profit party.

Now there is nothing illegal or unethical to what I am about to show you, but it strikes directly at the core of the established order and unlocks the key to pools of wealth they would fight tooth and nail to keep to themselves.

Therefore, we must tread with care as I lay bare everything I saw when I joined their inner circle through the back door...

Exposed! The Most Vile Plot in Internet History:

"While we stare at Google, the Elite is quietly Siphoning
off billions of dollars from the Internet by Playing
a Different Game with a Different set of Rules..."

Ever felt that there just *had* to be more to it...

I mean you try to make money online with all those tricks and methods but it goes nowhere.  Or you see a glimmer of hope here or there, just before it gets wiped out by a google slap, an adwords bill or something else...

Try the latest Google Guide, they tell you.  Stick with it, they say.  Practice makes perfect...

But Practice, is precisely what they don't do.  Because they are playing a different game than they tell you to play.  Their money is coming from elsewhere and being invested in another place too, where it multiplies faster than rabbits on a desert Island...

In essence, they have created a very appealing diversion to keep you digging far away from where they do: the internet's biggest cash mountain (and it only gets bigger everyday).

“This Report is all about the Fastest Growing Source of
Cash Ever Created and How YOU can
Covertly Funnel some of it into your Accounts”


Dear Affiliate Wealth Seeker ,

My name is Alex Goad and If you've ever wanted to quit your job and put in just a few hours from home while providing rock solid financial security for you and your loved ones, then this is most important letter you will ever read

Here's why:

While thousands – millions! - Have been denied access to the code, in the next few minutes I will show you exactly how you can swiftly perform a Cash Suck Interrupt and covertly use the code for a silent second income in your spare time.

Pay very close attention as time is of the essence and not everybody who reads this will be able to gain access.  Unfortunately, some will be too late and find themselves once more on the other side of the velvet rope...

“Why a Dumb Accident and 4 Years of Manoeuvring Have
Finally Opened this Backdoor for YOU”

Let's make something clear: 4 years ago, I was literally at the end of my wits.  My right hand was in shambles from torn ligaments my previous job (waiting tables) had left me with.

Many would have sat there, jobless, quietly waiting for surgery, but I saw it as my chance to start a business.

I'd always dreamed about it, but there were no entrepreneurs in my family.  Not one.  Nor could any of my friends hand me a break.  So I took it in my own hands. And immediately, I started failing, letting go of my last dollars trying to keep the dream alive.

I wanted it so bad... The cars, the big house, the expensive vacations, eating in the finest establishments.  I wanted ALL of it.

And I tried everything I could and I believed hard.  So hard that I bought ebooks instead of paying my rent and buying normal food.  Very soon afterwards, I got kicked out of my apartment.  Since I was already so late, when the final notice came, I was 48 hours away from homeless...

Luckily, a charitable soul let me have the crummiest apartment in the whole city.  In the worst neighbourhood.  And while I lived for weeks on ONE hot dog a day (sadly I'm not making this up), at least I still had a kitchen table to plunk the computer on.

“The Accident and a Glimpse of the Code”

It was just another desperate morning.  I checked my emails and accounts, and found them empty as usual.  I was losing focus, hungry, tired, disillusioned...

That's when an article on CNN caught my attention.  This was about a company that had come out of nowhere to place 18th on the Forbes 500 list of fastest growing companies. 

They were making millions with nearly no expenses and no employees.

The worst part is, they were making this money doing something so absurd, it literally shocked my brain.  All day I couldn't stop thinking about it...

And finally, I decided “if these kids can do it, without experience or investment, then I can too”.  (But wow, that would just be copying another business model, and you don't need me to show you that.)

Why this even matters is because of what happened next.  I wrote a one page article (it was a press-release I copied from a template) and emailed it to ONE single place.

A week later, I had made my first $4,000 online.  I had made four grand with one page of borrowed text and about 15 minutes.

And that's when I clearly understood for the first time in my life that even a tiny event can create gigantic results if you are doing the *right* thing.  One 15 minute dip into the real pools of automated wealth was worth more than 2 months of hard work in a job...

“But When I Tried Again, the Magic was Gone”

I tried doing what I *thought at the time* was the exact same thing.  And it only produced one tenth of the results.  Less in fact.

So was it just a surge of blind luck?  Had the universe made a mistake in my favour?  At the time I thought so, and it was through many many months of struggling through it all that I finally did it again.  It was completely different this time, but the flavour was the same from my first success.

Now what follows here is *VERY IMPORTANT*:

It was not luck at all.  There was no magic involved.  When I made those first $4,000, I had unwittingly cracked the code.

That was the lucky part.  However, the greatest discovery of my lifetime was that I had NOT been paid several thousand dollars for a few minutes of “work” by accident.

I had gotten that result because I had read the secret signal.  Without knowing it, I had deciphered a part of the code and put out the right profit magnet.  And what happened then was the only thing that ever could happen:

From the mountain of cash secretly within anybody's grasp, I had quickly and effortlessly siphoned away just a tiny part for myself.

Over the coming months, I pieced this Insider Code together, like doing a 2000 piece jig saw puzzle with your eyes blindfolded.

Every new piece of it smelled of a great and timeless victory...

“Thanks to these Affiliate Marketing Secrets
I will Never Work Again”

Before we continue, let's get one thing dead straight. I have bought and read every affiliate marketing guide on the market today and while some of them were quite good, not ONE comes even close to laying the code bare.

In fact if you do what they tell you, you will go to Google and start throwing your money down the Adwords Black hole.

That's option one.

Option 2 is to sit there writing articles as fast as you can in the hopes Google will send you a couple of visitors.

If this was 2003, it would make perfect sense, but common, things have moved along so far that this advice is not only outdated, it's plain wrong and harmful.

“And that's all Part of Their Hidden Agenda”

Let me ask you something: do you really think they want the masses to have access to the code so they can siphon nearly unlimited effort-free profits from the fastest growing mountain of cash on the planet?

Clearly the answer is no, and in fact these are fiercely guarded insider methods. 

"kept at almost secret society status"
Michael nicholasHey Alex,

Where there's smoke there's fire and Affiliate Payload is an inferno that's been waiting to happen...

This info scorches a path right to the front door where super affiliates have been quietly hiding while hording unbelievable windfalls of profits - ALL TO THEMSELVES!

Yet 'most' affiliates are still unaware that these markets
exist right under their noses. AND no wonder...  this has
been kept at almost secret society status.

But now you've broken the silence and show many nasty little
rinse-and-repeat ways to crank-out a very lucrative income
with this.

In fact, with these constant exploding markets you highlight
in your book... the sky is the limit on how much serious
cash can be made with this.

From what I can see... Affiliate Payload is positioned to have an immensely positive ripple effect on affiliate marketing as we know it.

Michael Nicholas
Impact Info Marketing

So if you've only been told about a tiny part of the money source and a slightly larger part of the traffic source, how the heck are you supposed to compete on a level playing field?

Of course you're not, and

“Behind all the smoke and mirrors lies an Insider Code
Jealously guarded by the Affiliate Elite”

With only a tiny part of the code in hand, I was able to build on my initial success and go from surviving off one hot dog a day to making a solid 6 figure monthly income on a bad month.  And I never worked again.

Now when I say work, I mean setting an alarm clock and driving off in the traffic to go make someone who doesn't even care about me a little richer.

My personal time and lifestyle are entirely within my own grasp.  When I don't feel like doing anything, I don't!  In fact I often enjoy long, unplanned vacations and come back richer than I left.

Many days, I think about working but then get to the computer and just check my stats before something more fun catches my interest.  And thanks to the code, I could probably afford to do that for the rest of my life...

Now there are only a minute number of operations that require my human hands to accomplish.  All the rest is completely automated so I can spend my time enjoying life and sleeping in...

But I don't sleep as well as I used to.  You see, the clearer the code became in my mind, the more money I made, and the more money I made, the worse I felt about those being left behind.

And so I *need* to blow the whistle to someone who will listen.

But not everybody will.  And I'm hoping you're *not* everybody.  This information needs to find a new home in the right hands, and I hope those hands are yours.

I'm sure you're wondering: “why is he doing this?” and in just a second, I'll tell you exactly, but before I do, let me give you just a glimpse of how powerful this stuff is...

“Imagine Reading Secret Profit Signals
that Allow you to See into the Future”

Imagine hoping into a time-machine and fast forwarding  just a few days and weeks so that you knew where the big money was going to be before it even got there...

You can't swipe the winning lottery tickets, but this is the next best thing... Some of these signals are seasonal, like clockwork.  Others require another kind of key to unravel their secrets.

But any one of them can make you an unprecedented hit of cash.  Just check out this one week Cash Suck Interrupt...


What if you could know beforehand exactly where the big money would flow, and what if I showed you exactly how to place your “collection basket” so it quietly fills up while you're doing something else?

You can either get Rich with the Insiders or watch from the sidelines as the economy goes down the drain and the bad news keeps coming...

Billions of dollars will be made before Christmas, and when the Code drops, you'll either be on the inside or the outside, and there is no middle road...

For the first time ever, a select group of profiteers will be handed a set of keys they were never meant to have.  And the game will be changed forever...

You already know that fortunes are being made every day in affiliate marketing (multi-billion dollar industry, growing double digits a year).  The Shadow Elite is quietly sharing the huge pie...  Literally insane piles of commissions are being channelled by thousands of uber successful new affiliates that never succeeded at anything before...

The Man on the Street has no idea this is happening yet.  But you've found the trail, it's right there at your finger tips...

The Real Question is “How are they doing it?” Which offers, which traffic?  How come they can  just set up ONE page like a traffic dam that diverts the flow of money to their advantage?

“Introducing Affiliate Payload”

affiliate payload

"The most advanced cash creating methods ever exposed"

With the Code laid bare, you will now have the ability to pin point huge rivers of cash.

You will have the power to INTERRUPT that flow with a deft move here and a swift takeover there.  

You will literally put up small “dams” that change the flow of the current ever so slightly. 


The money keeps flowing, but now, some of it is coming your way.  And “some” can be 6 figures a month...

  • Finally uncover what the REAL profit magnets are, not the same junk everybody else is fighting for table scraps over

  • Start at any point in the process, perfectly adapted to your current level of experience and finances (and if you have none and zero, that's fine too)

  • Uncover budding traffic sources that will blow your mind, and do it before the competition even knows they exist

  • Use our incredibly condensed and simplified formulas to go straight for the kill every time, with minimal time and effort.  You won't believe how much you can make in one hour...

  • Half a million a month strategies revealed...  We have worked our way into the deepest and darkest corner of the inner circle where we found a “traitor” to fearlessly expose everything being hushed down until now...

  • Use the compounding principle to create 6 figure cashflow in months, starting from scratch (more on this later)

  • Discover the secret way you can claim thousands of dollars in free money from various advertisers...  This is one of the best kept secrets of the online industry.  You can get quick cash for doing almost nothing, as long as you know where to ask for it...

  • Break free from the reign of Google pushers and junkies.  Yes there is money on Google and yes we'll show you how to really get it, but it only accounts for LESS than 20% of what we do - and frankly the traffic costs more - time to evolve...

  • Everything else you need to know so you can...


“Quietly and Covertly Siphon Out the Cash
Without them Ever Noticing”

I think you can plainly see that what I'm exposing here strikes at the heart of the established order...  Right now that billion dollar pie is being greedily sliced into huge chunks making the super affiliates fat and bloated.

The last thing I want is to draw more attention to myself or our little operation here.  In fact I've already received angry phone calls from top guys I thought were my friend wanting to lynch me on the public place for letting this out...

When I started doing this, all I wanted was a quiet 200$ a day so I could live it up and fly under the radar...  I'll be honest with you, I make 10 times more than that now, but I started out as a shadow, quietly making bank here and there. 

I'll show you *everything*, but I really do suggest you start by taking out only a few hundred a day, avoiding detection until you drop the payload... 

“What would an Extra $200 a day Change for You?”

This is not an all or nothing, go for broke, get rich quick kind of proposition.  That kind of thinking is crash and burn and people who think that way are people that like to lose.

$200-300 a day may not sound like a heck of a lot of money, but that's how I started and it certainly hasn't been unfavourable...  Plus it has a tendency to grow by itself.

It now takes me more time to drive to the bank and withdraw the money from the ATM than it takes for me to make it...  And that's all thanks to the compounding principle you can put to work for you right from your first harvest...

With the Insider Code, we'll show you how to win, but just as importantly, we'll show you everything to make sure you never lose.  That way you can stay in your comfort zone 100% of the time and enjoy...

“A Lifestyle you Barely Dare Dream About”

Perhaps the best part about all this is:

  • It works 24 hours a day, every day.  Don't have time to structure a quick raid on weekdays?  No problem, you can do nights, weekends, whenever, as long as you have a couple hours free... You make your own schedule.

  • You can automate almost everything.  Once you've done the setup, you can use that page again and again as a “cash flow interrupt”, for months to come at the flip of a switch

  • All you need is a computer with internet access.  And it doesn't even need to be a new computer..

"the Global Highjack tactic blew me away"
michaelcAlex, as you know, having been online for a number of years and made several million dollars from affiliate marketing it takes something extra special to get me excited. And that´s exactly what Affiliate Payload is - extra special.

Not only do you go into extreme detail and explain WHAT to do but also HOW to do it. What I really like (apart from the new strategies you revealed) is the way you make it so easy for others to totally emulate your success and start earning money with these methods right away.

The visual elements you´ve included in Affiliate Payload really suit my learning style down to the ground and I know my readers are going to LOVE them as well.

Hats off Alex on a thoroughly excellent product that I have loved
devouring and am recommending to anyone I know who is serious about making money online as an affiliate.

One last thing - the Global Highjack tactic just blew me away, can younot just keep this one private so I only I can benefit from it? ;-)

Michael Cheney
United Kingdom

As long as you can access the net with a computer, you can follow our written instructions and plainly lay back and watch as Saj and I show you directly on your screen exactly what we're doing!

You'll see for yourself, it's everything but an airplane cockpit with multiple screens, flashing lights and gizmos and neither of us sleeps by the computer.

In fact most mornings I wake up richer than when I turned out the lights... but enough about me. 

“Now it's Your Turn”

Using just one tip from one of these cash pulling modules will put you miles ahead of the curve.  And as I mentioned earlier, you choose where you start depending on how greedy you are...

Because it all stems from ONE single, easy to understand principle...

With the right tactics, you now have access to an unlimited transformer that converts traffic into money.

That's right. All traffic is money waiting to happen.  If you have a surfer, you have a potential dollar.

All successful websites work on that principle. They exploit traffic and transform those vague numbers into cold hard dollar figures. 

This is how:

Module 1: "Free Traffic & Free Money (for real)"

payload module 1

Starting with absolutely zero investment?  Don't have a single red cent to lose for any reason?  I hear ya.

In fact, we're starting off here because this is all you will ever need to generate sufficient loose cash to skyrocket your earnings into the stratosphere.

This stuff is easy and it's simple. It's one of my foundational methods and I have never seen it applied without massive results.  I've extensively tested this myself and passed it on to a few close students...  Here are some of their results:


"Single Payday of over $6.6k"


I can't say enough about your "free traffic, free money" strategy.  As you know, the first time I used it, I came back with a single pay day of over $6.6k.  

As if that was insane enough, I've then gone on to use the exact same strategy outlined in your guide to pull in an extra income of more than $8k.

And that was all 100% profit, because I never had to spend a dime on advertising.  It's the gift that truly keeps on giving, if ever that expression was any truer, it is with this strategy.

That initial $6.6k I made with your method allowed me to pay my college tuition for the quarter, otherwise I would've fallen well short (I don't know what I would've done..).  The ironic part is, combining that method with and reinvesting that money, I'm now making more than I ever will if/when I decide to graduate college.

Now with Payload, I've got an insane amount of strategies that are just as effective, if not even more so, that I can implement.  Can't wait to dig into the rest of the book.

Salivating over the possibilities as we speak...


Bryan Mc

"#1 Google Rankings "

Alex, I don't know what you're thinking, but let me tell you, mate... I'm definitely glad I'm on YOUR side!

Using your free traffic strategies allowed us to quickly grab the #1 Google rankings for almost all of the latest IM launches... and keep them.

We topped the pages for highly competitive launches such as Secret Affiliate Code, Google Nemesis, Google Massacre, and Squidoo Affiliate Destruction, to name but a few.

All we used was maybe less half of the free traffic generating methods you taught us, but we were easily able to outrank the big boys, placing ourselves at #1 out of as many as 5,000,000 results in Google.

And what did it cost us? Not one red cent! Nada!

We strongly recommend anyone who is serious about making money online pay close attention to any secrets you reveal, because WE know they TRULY works like gangbusters!

Josh Harris & Walt Hanson


But the best part has to be...


You might be tempted to brush this aside.  Free money doesn't exist right?  Ok, you actually have to ask for it and fill in a form or two with a valid email address...

If you are over 18 and live in most parts of “the civilized world”, then you can claim hundreds to thousands of dollars from advertisers begging you to take it.  Want to skip directly to the big money tactics without using a dime of your own cash?  This is how to do it.

Need a guaranteed 300$ by the end of the month?  This will do it for you...  If you're ever pressed for cash, this method will legally get money in your paypal account within minutes...

Plus, you can set up your own turn table and let others claim their cash through you, paying you hefty commissions... more on this later...

For now, here's what you need to know about this first module...

  • Enough free traffic for a quiet second income

  • Proven to work by countless real people who made thousands

  • No Website or technical experience required

  • No investment needed

  • How to claim free cash from advertisers (and we'll show you how to setup your own operation to make insane cash doing the same thing, but that's in another section)

  • How to (legally) get a free copy of every internet marketing product that comes out.  Save thousands while enjoying the cream of the crop!


"Simply Dominate"


Alex, your traffic generating tactics are simply spectacular. I applied your methods to various websites that I own and in EVERY instance I was able to simply dominate.

On one of my profitable sites I had over 64,000 hits in July, 2008, alone. Now, I show some of my business associates my results using your methods and they are simply dumbfounded how I'm able to do this. Up until now, it has been a secret, but now your letting the whole world know. Thanks again,

Mark Dulisse

MODULE 2:  "Advanced PPC Funnel System"

Advanced PPC Affiliate payload

I've ranted enough on what others have to say about PPC that we're not going to insult your intelligence with some more of the same...

We included this section to simplify everything down to a few single operations AND we include keyword tricks that will eliminate the guess work, getting you profitable from square one everytime...

This is the exact system used by multi-million dollar super affiliates to clean bank with tiny copy pasted websites... 

Inside, you'll also discover:

  • The F.R.I.T. formula for unlimited ppc to cpa profits
  • Cpa autopsy: how a pro breaks an offer down and cashes it
  • The right keywords on a silver platter
  • Lifetime customer cash tactics, aka, the full cash suck out

This is a big section that covers all the ground you need and none that you don't.  It's over 45 pages with screenshots, examples and follow me instructions...  Get it simple, get it right, get paid big...

These are the exact tactics used by super affiliates sucking millions out of the affiliate cash mountain while you drive to work. Now you can finally use them for your own gain.


MODULE 3: "The Global Highjack Method"

Affiliate payload,the Global Highjack Method

It's back, and with a vengeance.  This is where the code flies wide open and you discover how to use your eyes and senses the way the Shadow Elite does...

Every code has a key.  Without it, you might as well be trying to read Ancient Egyptian... Not fun.

With the Global Highjack Method, all you need to do is watch for secret indicators...  These are the signals that will allow you to perform the “Cash Suck Interrupt” on demand, banking half a years worth of job income in a day...




Once you discover the methods they are using, you'll be astounded at the simplicity and wonder if you've been given a map with a secret entrance to Fort Knox you can quickly raid whenever you feel like it...

  • How to find the signal in News, Headlines and Trends
  • Extremely powerful current event cashing method (these two are responsible for thousands a day...)

"Increased Income to 10k a month..."


Hey Alex,

I started dabbling in this area myself a few months ago due to the extreme profits that can be made.

When it comes to the latest money making secrets, you're always on the cutting edge of things.

With your help I've been able to increase my online
income up to 10k a month...

Thanks for sharing these cash producing tactics with
the rest of us.

Craig Beckta
Newfoundland, Canada

If you want to “borrow” just one of their tactics, they this might be it... but if you are tired of not knowing the whole story, you'll be happy to discover that despite the controversy and the pleads, it's ALL coming out from behind the dark curtain, including...


MODULE 4: "PPV: The Sniper on the Roof"

PPV affiliate Payload

Brace yourself, it's about to get REAL HOT in here...   This section is so devastating and so powerful it's almost scary.

When rumour spread I was going to release this, the calls and emails started coming in immediately.  The Shadow Elite manifested themselves and voiced their opinion, as if they really had a say...

Don't sell this information under $2,000 one of them said...  Don't release it AT ALL another one pleaded.  Yes pleaded.  And I'm not making this up.  Guarantee you'll see why as soon as you feast your eyes on this...

This is one of the best kept secrets for siphoning ridiculously easy affiliate commissions from a totally unheard of source.  When you discover just ONE of the 3-4 deadly tactics you can use to plough heavy profits with this system, your greed glands will kick it into hyperdrive.

*Warning*: Sleepless Nights Ahead, as you Muse what
to do with all the Money...

Remember what it was like being a kid, laying awake in bed the night before your birthday as you imagined all the cool stuff you've ever dreamed about finally being yours?

After a few birthdays, it starts to wear off...  I haven't felt that feeling of incredible hope and brightness since then...  But when I discovered this, I practically became delirious!

It's not a question of IF you can skim brain dead easy commissions off the top, it's a question of how much you can cram into your wallet before you need to get a bigger one.

This is advanced Code Breaking that makes your Cash Suck Interrupts so easy, so targeted and so plain profitable, nothing else can compare.  NOTHING.

This is the true shadow walking ninja stealth tactics that makes regular sources look like a joke.  If it doesn't plain blow your mind, check yourself for a pulse cause you might be dead...

  • The Ultimate Cash Suck Interrupts.  The last time you saw something this powerful was never

  • Ridiculous ROI: a cash pile is waiting to be tapped.  Even the clumsiest fingers can unravel this one right now within minutes

  • Start with $10.  Follow the simple instructions.  This is like buying winning raffle tickets... they are cheap and you can snap up as many as you want...

  • Traffic so targeted it makes the most optimized adwords campaign look like amateur night at the karaoke

  • Pure Gold traffic for mere pennies on the dollar.  These visitors are so targeted, they are waiting for an order button with their credit card in hand


I know it's hard to believe, but I warned you earlier you would be seeing some strange stuff if you kept reading...  I could have easily left it out and this guide would still have been the most straightforward heatmap to affiliate profits ever created.

But I want you to have it all and then some.  Take my word for it, in this section, you'll discover things 99.999% of affiliate will never know are possible.

You'll be able to finally get in WAY ahead of the curve and fill yourself to bursting before others even have a shot at the cash pile...

"Extra $10k month "


you have really done it this time. I thought I had nailed down every potential traffic pool for my niche...

But in just the first couple of chapters I already found 3 new traffic sources that I easily see turning into an extra $10k month in revenue.

Yo the man.

Jared Croslow

It's not often that a top end marketer making millions of dollars with their own system comes out of the shadows and reveals it all.

I think you'll agree that a simple system that can be copy pasted to work for anyone and was plucked straight from the brains of the creator is a rare opportunity.

"And you'd Expect 6 Figure a Month
Tactics Like these To Cost a lot..."

Listen, this is jealously guarded insider information. It's hard to put any price on it at all...

The first thing that comes to mind is, if this information makes over $200k a month, it should be worth at least that much...

But even if I priced it at just one month of income the system can generate, the price would be out of range for everybody that wasn't rich already.

At $997, I felt comfortable that the product would be excessively under priced, but still then, it would stop most people from acquiring it.

Only a few people could be reached to break free from the reign of online lies and constant disappointment, because let's face it, in a day job, $1000 in “free” cash, it not easy to come by...

And this needs to be accessible to real people now ...  So I cut the price in 5 again, stopping on $197.

But afer careful reflection, even that was too much to let everyone enjoy full access...

So get ready for this...

If you decide to get Affiliate Payload today, all I'll ask of you is that you make a one-time special discounted launch investment of $97 instead of $197.

And remember, that includes the most state-of-the-art money-getting methods that most gurus don't even know about because they've all been kept hidden for so long.

And in order to make this a real “no-brainer”, I won't ask you to shoulder any of the risk at all.  Affiliate Payload comes with an Iron Clad, No Questions Asked 100% Money Back Guarantee.


** The Affiliate Payload 100% Guarantee **
money back guarantee

Try the tactics described in the book.  Use all the methods. Discover a new world of profitabitly... 300 pages... 1o videos...

For a full 2 months, I will bear all the responsibility.

That's 60 days exactly …  If at any time, for any reason at all, you decide you want your money back, just send us an email and we will process a full refund, no questions asked, no hard feelings, stay friends style.


“Here Are 7 More Reasons
that Make Affiliate Payload a
Benchmark Money Maker”


oneLow Startup:
 If it's realistic for you to invest just $5 a day buying clicks from the sources revealed inside, you can use the principles of money leveraging to make you insanely rich.
twoRepeat Profits:
 This is not a business where you need to sell again, answer the phone and constantly do things over again.  Once your page is up (and remember, you get templates) it can be sucking profits for months or even years, without you ever touching it again!
threeNo Overhead:
 With just a domain name and this package, you're armed for business.  You don't need to outsource, build complicated stuff, write great content, nothing of the sort.  This is the kind of business you can scale into the millions from your kitchen table.
fourAutopilot Money:

A single page, once optimized can handle an endless flood of clicks.  There's no emailing, no customer support, no updating.

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I am always looking for innovative ways to make money as an affiliate and this is what you have delivered.

I was particularly surprised at the unusual (but brilliant) tactics which you have revealed, but sure you have your reasons why you did so.

In summary, what you offer here is FRESH and not what I am used to seeing in other ebooks. You seem to have a skill for putting your finger on techniques which work in the real world.

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Once again, Alex, thank you for releasing all of this and not just
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Best Wishes,

Ben Shaffer
London, Uk


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P.S.  Remember: these are this is the exact, extremely duplicable system pulled straight out of the willing mind of it's creator who's banked over 7 figures using it in the past 3 years.

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P.P.S.  Look at it this way.  By choosing to invest in Affiliate Payload today, you will be gaining access to a proven millionaire maker.  Maybe it can do the same for you and maybe it can't but you owe it to yourself to find out.

If you go for it, you could be reaping the rewards of a new lifestyle almost instantly.  But if you decide to pass it up, then everything stays the same…


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